Please check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

Beyond The DOE: Securing an Alternative Educational Setting for Your Child

thursday, June 3, 2021 | 7PM - 8PM


This is a free conference designed to help parents identify:

  • The process to advocate for an alternative educational setting paid for by the DOE

  • The variety of alternative educational settings available

  • The benefit of a neuropsychological evaluation to aid in this process


Deborah De Santis-Moniaci, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist and Owner @ Ridge Psychological, PLLC

Steven J. Alizio, Esq., M.S.Ed., Principal Attorney @ The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC

INCLUDEnyc Fair | Saturday, January 25, 2019

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend INCLUDEnyc's annual fair.  Please stop by our table and say hello!

The INCLUDEnyc Fair is New York City’s largest annual free fair for young people with disabilities, where families can meet face-to-face with over 90 summer camps, year-round, afterschool, weekend, arts, sports, and recreational programs.

Come check out the many programs for yourself or your young person with disabilities, all in the same space.  The venue is fully accessible and the event is free to attend. Children are welcome. Please click on the image above to learn more.

Special Education Symposium | Friday, October 25, 2019

Our principal attorney will be sitting on on a panel at Child Mind Institute's Special Education Symposium on October 25th. The focus of the symposium is How to Navigate Your Child’s Learning Disability Diagnosis. Get your tickets now for a full-day of workshops for parents of K-12 children who have been diagnosed with language-based learning disability.

16th Annual Young Child Expo & Conference NYC | April 30 - May 3, 2019

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend the 16th Annual Young Child Expo & Conference. Please stop by our table (5/1 - 5/3) and say hello!

The Young Child Expo & Conference began in 2003 as a joint professional development project of Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education and Los Niños Services. The goal of the Expo & Conference is simple – to provide useful information to professionals and parents in order to help all young children learn, grow and reach their full potential.

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QSAC’s Applied Behavior Analysis NYC Conference | Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend QSAC’s ABA NYC Conference. Please stop by our table and say hello!

QSAC’s annual ABA NYC conference brings together behavior analysts, educators, social workers, other professionals, and parents for a day-long conference on advanced material related to applied behavior analysis. Continuing education credits are offered for behavior analysts, social workers, teachers, teacher assistants, and school building leaders.  Please click on the image above to learn more about the conference.

INCLUDEnyc Fair | Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend INCLUDEnyc's annual fair.  Please stop by our table and say hello!

The INCLUDEnyc Fair is New York City’s largest annual free fair for young people with disabilities, where families can meet face-to-face with over 80 summer camps, year-round, afterschool, weekend, arts, sports, and recreational programs.

Formerly known as Summer Fun & More, the INCLUDEnyc Fair's expansion beyond just summer camps sends an important message about inclusion and access for young people and their families who may not otherwise have known many of these programs were available to them.

Come check out the many programs for yourself or your young person with disabilities, all in the same space.  The venue is fully accessible and the event is free to attend. Children are welcome.  Please click on the image above to learn more.

Special Education Plans and Documents | December 7, 2018

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is pleased to announce that Steven J. Alizio, Esq. will be making a special education law presentations in Westchester, NY on November 16, 2018: Developing the IEP (w/Real-World Examples).  Come by to learn about special education law!  These presentations, and others, have been approved for Continuing Legal Education credits for attorneys as well as NY Teacher Education Credits for educators (with school district approval). Please click on the image above to learn more and register.

New York Special Education Law | November 16, 2018

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is pleased to announce that Steven J. Alizio, Esq. will be making two special education law presentations in Albany, NY on November 16, 2018: (1) Unraveling the Requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); and (2) Ensuring Successful Due Process Procedures.  Come by to learn about special education law!  These presentations, and others, have been approved for Continuing Legal Education credits for attorneys as well as NY Teacher Education Credits for educators (with school district approval). Please click on the image above to learn more and register.

IEPs and 504 Plans: A Legal Compliance Guide | October 4 and October 5, 2018

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is pleased to announce that Steven J. Alizio, Esq. will be making three special education law presentations on Long Island, NY on October 5, 2018: (1) How the 504 Plan Process Works: Critical Legal Essentials; (2) 504 Plan Eligibility: What are the Determining Factors?; and (3) The Anatomy of an Effective 504 Plan: Overcoming Legal Ambiguities.  Come by to learn about special education law!  These presentations, and others, have been approved for Continuing Legal Education credits for attorneys as well as NY Teacher Education Credits for educators (with school district approval). Please click on the image above to learn more and register.

ADAPT Community Network's Family Connect Summit | Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend ADAPT Community Network's Family Connect Summit.  Please stop by our table and say hello!

ADAPT Community Network, formerly United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, is the leading human service not-for-profit and a pioneer in providing cutting edge programs and services for people with disabilities.  Please click on the image above to learn more about its 2018 Family Connect Summit.

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NYTPS's 1st Annual Education Conference | Friday, February 23, 2018

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend NYTPS's 1st Annual Education Conference.  Please stop by our table and say hello!

New York Therapy Placement Services, Inc. is proud to present their First Annual Education Conference.  This exciting endeavor will be a culmination of multidisciplinary workshop events discussing the central and crucial topic of Assessments and Evaluations.  Please click on the image above to learn more.

INCLUDEnyc Fair | Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Law Office of Steven Alizio, PLLC is excited to attend INCLUDEnyc's annual fair.  Please stop by our table and say hello!

Formerly Summer Fun and More, the INCLUDEnyc Fair is New York City’s largest annual year-round activities fair for young people with disabilities, where families can meet face-to-face with nearly 100 different summer camps, afterschool, weekend, arts, sports, social, and recreational programs.

The event is free and fully accessible.  Children are welcome, and translation is available in Spanish, Chinese, and ASL.  Please click on the image above to learn more.